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Middle School in Barasat,
Kolkata(Classes VI –VIII)

The Middle School Curriculum of Adamas World School focuses on helping students to become increasingly independent learners and also prepares them to succeed in high school and beyond.

In Classes VI to VIII, students deepen their knowledge and skills in seven core subjects: English, Second Language (Hindi/Bengali), Mathematics, Social Science (History, Civics and Geography), Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology), 3rd Language (Hindi/Bengali/Sanskrit) and Computer.

Learning Objectives:

Concept Based Learning Keeping Students Engaged And Motivated

The students are encouraged to learn new concepts through classroom teaching, various assignments, models, experiments and projects. Interdisciplinary curriculum and art integrated projects are in vogue.

The middle schoolers are interested and engaged with:

  • Projects that apply learning to the real world and are tailored to their interests.
  • Activities that encourage them to think for themselves as they apply what they learn in meaningful ways.
  • Assessments where they use their learning to demonstrate mastery of each concept.

Art integrated learning is an integral part of the Middle School Curriculum which makes the teaching and learning process more joyful and effective. The students can apply their knowledge in real life situations. It promotes reflection, critical thinking, creativity, initiation, self-direction and other 21st century skills thereby empowering the students with the competencies to understand, analyse, evaluate, interpret and innovate various real life situations that they require to face in the world outside the classrooms or an environment beyond their schools and homes.

Debates, Quizzes, Speeches and Group discussions are part and parcel of the classroom learning and enhance critical thinking, logical reasoning, academic research skills, problem-solving skills, creativity and self-confidence of the young learners.

Subjects are not taught in isolation but the focus is on integrated curriculum that emphasizes on interdisciplinary skills and concepts. It connects different areas of study by cutting across subject-matter lines and emphasizing unifying concepts. Integration focuses on making connections for students allowing them to engage in relevant, meaningful activities that can be connected to real life. Challenging, fun and meaningful tasks are created to help students grasp and implement the information effectively thereby developing multiple skills.

We, at AWS, strive to empower our students with self esteem, confidence and effective skills so that they become independent, creative, responsible and productive global citizens.

Hey! I am Niaa... Your Admission Assistant.