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Adamas World School organized a career counselling session for the students of class X along with their parents on Friday, 13th October’23 at the AU Auditorium. With a plethora of career options available in the contemporary times, the role of a career counselling session becomes indispensable. Honourable Chairman, RICE Group, Prof. (Dr.) Samit Ray, graced the occasion explaining multidisciplinary subject based learning, motivating to empower our young students to make an informed decision on their career choices. His words of wisdom encouraged and enriched the students immensely.

The session was carried forward by the resource person Ms. Urvi Shukla, an International Career Coach, who emphasized that one must have in-depth knowledge of the choices lest he/she end-up in a career that is not made for one. Students were made aware of the different options in profession and courses they can pursue based on the subject choices they would make. Queries raised by the students were also addressed by her. This session was immensely enriching and interesting.

The Session ended with a vote of thanks by Principal, Gobind S. Moorjani to honourable Chairman and Ms Urvi Shukla for their valuable time and guidance. He also thanked the parents and students for their active participation wishing the students a successful future.

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