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Christmas Celebration

Christmas is the season of joy, peace, hope, sharing and caring. It marks the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. His birthday is one of the joyous ceremonies amongst Christians. Although the festival is mainly celebrated by the followers of Christianity, it is one of the most enjoyed festivals all over the world. Christmas brings cheer and love and the Adamites celebrated it on 21.12.2023 with the same fervour. The school was beautifully decorated. The celebration commenced with a soulful symphony played by the school orchestra.The students of Toddlers to class V put up a mesmerizing play depicting the scenes of the Nativity of Jesus Christ interspersed with the melodious carols sung by the choir. The programme concluded with Christmas greetings as the children danced to the melodious tunes of ‘We Wish You A Merry Christmas’ followed by the gleaming entry of Santa Claus which brought laughter and merriment to the children. The little ones of Toddlers made Christmas trees with paper. The munchkins of Nursery made stockings and decorated them with cotton. The children of KG made reindeer masks. Class I made Christmas trees with ice cream sticks and decorated them with paper stars.The students of Class II  made Santa Claus masks. Our children celebrated the occasion with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm.The spirit of Christmas was visible on the faces of our students. Christmas is indeed a magical festival that is all about sharing, delight and contentment.

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