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Message from Principal's Desk

“All power is within you, you can do anything and everything”- Swami Vivekananda

A very warm greeting to all.

Education is not merely getting grades and cramming the information provided by the institutions but to let the children be curious and creative. Curiosity is the way to creativity and creativity is the path to the real learning. We must understand that education gives children wings to fly, explore and see the world with their own perspective.  Every individual has the power of energy. The only thing that we need to do is identify and recognize that energy and ignite the desire of learning more. As everything is available in the universe, the only effort which humans have made – is search or research it. The same is the case with potential of our children. They have every possible quality in them, we only have allow them to bring that out and spread the same for the betterment of the mankind and We, at the Adamas World School, ensure that every single child gets the opportunity to identify his/her potential and bring out the best hidden in them. 

God Bless!


Gobind S.Moorjani


Adamas World School

Hey! I am Niaa... Your Admission Assistant.