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Adamas World School is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. It is a co-educational institution where the medium of instruction and communication is English.
  1. Punctuality:Students must report to their respective bus stops at the given time. Using the school bus is mandatory for them. Students missing their bus will be listed with the latecomers. Parents are requested to be at the bus stop to pick up their child in the evening, otherwise the bus will bring back the student to school and the concerned parent will have to pick up his/her child from school.
  1. Regularityin attendance is essential. Students who have been absent for a day or two should have the leave record in the diary filled by their parent/ guardian and produce it on the day they join school without fail. In case of illness, a Medical Certificate should also be produced. Failing this the student will be marked absent till the letter/ certificate is produced. Permission is not given for any other leave. Students are strictly forbidden to leave the school premises during school hours. Once a student is in school, he/she has to be present throughout the day. Leave will not be granted on any ground. At the same time, if a student is sick then the parent should not force him/her to attend school even if there is an assessment. A child’s health should be of prime importance to all.
  1. A minimum of 75% attendance is compulsory to be eligible to appear in the examination as per CBSE norms (Ref: Rule 13 of the Examination Bye-Laws of the Board)
  1. UNIFORM:Students should come to school neatly dressed in proper school unif Uniform, shoes and all other articles must be neatly labelled with the student’s name and class. Simple watches may be worn by students from class V onwards. Trinkets, jewellery, nail polish and mehendi are strictly prohibited in school.


  • Sky blue pleated skirt
  • Blue and white pin-striped shirt
  • White socks with three blue stripes
  • Black hair band for short hair; shoulder length hair to be tied into a pony tail with black nylon hair band; long hair to be neatly braided and tied with black nylon hair band
  • Prescribed black shoe and school belt
  • Compulsory black tights and white slip
  • Only black hair bands are to be used.
  • No expensive jewellery to be w


  • Sky blue shorts (Toddlers to V)
  • Blue and white pin striped shirt
  • White socks with three blue stripes
  • Neat short hair (no mushroom or other stylized cut allowed); Sikh students should wear sky blue patka or tur
  • Prescribed black shoes and belt
  • Compulsory white vests and underwear
  • In winter, sky blue trousers; navy blue jacket with hood or blazer

P.T and Yoga uniform for Boys and Girls to be worn :

  • Track pants, Sky blue T-shirts, School Socks and White canvas shoes.


House uniform – To be worn on every Friday.

  • Track pants, House T-shirts, School Socks and White canvas shoes.


Winter uniform for Boys and Girls to be worn :

  • Sky blue Trousers, blue and white striped shirt
  • White full stockings (Girls)
  • Navy blue jacket with hood (for classes Todd-V)
  • Blazer (for classes VI-XII)


Toddlers to KG –  One  set  of  school  uniform  to  be  sent  to  school  regularly  in  school  bag.

 All students should carry a set of napkins to school every day.

  1. Respect for school property and school belongings is an absolute must.
  2. In the event of collective damage to school property in class room, the entire class will be charged the cost of damage. A vigilant outlook should be maintained towards keeping the surroundings clean. All waste papers should be picked up and thrown into the dustbin.

  3. Students are not allowed to leave the class without class out-pass and without permission of the teacher. Students should move in a way that no child is disturbed.

  4. A student must speak in decent language all the time. He must ensure that his speech is courteous and polite.

  5. Every student is required to carry the school identity card each day of the school.
  6. Students are expected to bring the books according to the time-table.
  7. Students are not allowed to receive private tuitions from the teachers of the school.

  8. Any communication sent in the school diary must be acknowledged by the parent/guardian.

  9. While taking the examination every scholar should do so with utmost honesty.
  10. English is second language for most of us, but it is also a medium of instruction. In order to acquire proficiency in spoken English, all students must compulsorily converse in English in school (and at home as far as possible).
  11. A student must extend due courtesy and respect to all members of staff. Respect of elders and affection for juniors should be soundly inculcated. Every child is expected to uphold the name and honour of the school.
  12. Students must report any incident of bullying and ragging to the teachers immediately.



  1. Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexplained absence, habitual late coming, leaving the school premises without permission, disobedience and any type of unruly and objectionable behaviour.
  2. Writing, scratching, engraving graffiti, drawing and splashing ink or defacing the school walls, furniture and property.
  3. Gluing stickers and posters of any kind on the school property.
  4. Use of foul and unparliamentary language.

  5. Neglect of Homework, disobedience and disrespectful towards members of staff or bad moral influence.
  6. Resource to use of unfair means during examinations.
  7. Making noise, talking loudly, shouting, jeering, hacking, booing, name calling, making cat calls, hissing, mocking and whistling, at any time.
  8. Participating in any incident of bullying and ragging.
  9. Being in restricted areas, ground, empty class rooms, secluded areas, behind buildings (when class is on and without permission.)
  10. Collecting money, contribution and donation without written permission of the Principal.




  1. Trinket, Jewellery, Mehendi or Tattoos

  2. Objectionable literature or expensive items.

  3. Cell phones, iPods, CD, DVD, e-games, pen drives, cameras, music players, obscene materials etc.

  4. Crackers, fireworks and any other inflammable material.

  5. Gift of any kind for distribution in school even for birthdays. However, students may distribute toffees (costing not more than rupees 5) on their birthdays or else it will be returned back.

  6. Toys, any dangerous instrument, tobacco products, alcoholic drinks, chewing gum, banned food items.


  1. All students of the school are members of the library.
  2. Strict discipline and silence should be observed in the library.
  3. Library books should be taken care of and returned on the due date.
  4. Only one book will be issued to each student at a time. Books will be issued for only 7 days from the date of issue.
  5. 5 per day will be charged for delayed return after the due date is over.
  6. Marking, underlining, writing or damaging pages of the books are strictly prohibited.
  7. Books lost will have to be compensated with the cost (printed) price of the book lost. Books damaged should also be informed. A fine will be charged for the same.
  8. A clearance certificate is to be obtained from the librarian before applying for Transfer Certificate.


  1. Lab equipments must be respected and handled with care.
  2. Do not carry bags or eatables into the
  3. The lab should be kept clean and should be dust and moisture free.
  4. The set of rules that each lab has specifically framed should be obeyed and it must be ensured that they are not violated. Breaking rules will result in serious disciplinary action.


  1. The school has a well-equipped infirmary with a trained nurse in attendance to take care of the medical needs of the students during school hours. In case of specialized medical attention the student will be transferred to nearby Narayana hospital and his/he parents immediately informed.

  2. Students suffering from infectious diseases like conjunctivitis, dermatitis, scabies, measles, mumps, chicken pox, whooping cough, jaundice, cholera, influenza, etc. should not be sent to school until fully cured.

  3. Those suffering from chronic diseases like asthma, epilepsy, rheumatic heart disease are advised to be under continuous medical supervision and keep the school informed with necessary details and treatment undertaken.

  4. Students suffering from any communicable disease should take a minimum of 14 days leave. On the day of rejoining the student is required to submit a medical fitness certificate. 

N.B. : No student is   allowed to take medicine on his/her own. In case, a student needs to carry medicine, the class teacher must be informed so that medicine can be given under supervision of our trained nurse.

Hey! I am Niaa... Your Admission Assistant.