"We, the parents of Arnasnit Sarkar, a student of Class VI of AWS are pleased to share that our child has consistently been performing with excellence in all exams including those conducted by other reputed bodies like SOF, SPELL BEE etc. Being parents, it is really a matter of pride but at the same time,we would like to convey our sincere thanks and gratitude to the School. As we, both the parents, have to be busy with our respective jobs, we don't have much time to guide him for his studies. Whatever he is learning and achieving is of the reason induced by the school. Particularly, we are thankful to the teachers who have done so much to instill keeness to learn in our child. Again we thank you all and hope the school will continue its endeavours to help every child. "
Papia Ghosh
Debasish Sarkar
Parents of Arnasnit Sarkar Class VI B
Adamas Worldschool
Papia Ghosh
Debasish Sarkar
Parents of Arnasnit Sarkar Class VI B

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