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Indian Independence & National Anthem

The Indian Independence movement was a series of historic events with the ultimate aim of ending British rule in India. It lasted from 1857 to 1947.

Today in the present world we have democracy, voting rights, fundamental rights and equality in taxes along with many other facilities only because of some determined patriots who fought against the British to make our motherland independent.

On 15th August, every citizen of India celebrates the independence of India with great pride and valour. We also pay tribute to all the revolutionary thinkers and fighters who are responsible for the freedom we enjoy today.

After the Free India Center was established with the support of the German foreign ministry, the ‘Azad Hind’ team formally decided that Tagore’s ‘Jana gana mana’ will be the national anthem and ‘Jai Hind’ will be the national greeting. This decision was taken at the inaugural session that took place on November 2, 1941.

The national anthem of India ‘Jana gana mana’ composed by Rabindranath Tagore is a song made to unite every person of India from different parts and region. It establishes equality among all and provokes secularism and unity. At every national occasion, this anthem is sung to honor the country.

The National Anthem appeals greatly to the people from every corner of the society by evoking the patriotic emotions and also bringing a sense of honor and pride. Whenever the anthem is played, we should all stand attentively in honor to pay tribute to the fighters who sacrificed their lives for us.


Arindam Roy, IX B

With Tapalina Saha, Faculty of English Dept.

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