Yoga Day
Adamas World School always urges the students to live a healthy lifestyle. The healthy lifestyle begins with basics such as yoga and healthy eating. Discipline is fundamental to the structure of student life and the teachers of Adamas World School profoundly believe this.
The faculty at Adamas World School, ensures that the students practice discipline and healthy living in their daily life and school activities. This forms the essence of being an Adamite who learn and grow in the premises of Adamas World School.
Healthy living is a daily act and hence to extend the concept of International Yoga Day and make yoga a part of our daily life, Adamas World School organised a LIVE YOGA SESSION with Misty Chakraborty in the school auditorium.
The live session was attended both in person and from the other side of the screen by students, parents and teachers. Misty Chakraborty narrated this importance of Yoga and how one can embed it in their daily. Yoga can be the investment one can do to make life peaceful, healthy and worthy.
The session was the collective initiative of AWS Principal Mr Gobind S Moorjani, Vice Principal Mrs Nandini Chattopadhaya, Associate Vice Principal Mrs Swami Goswami and Junior School Incharge Mrs Debarati Dey Banerjee. The introductory session was conducted by AWS Faculty Member Ms Shayeri Mondal during which she narrated the history of yogic practices and how it developed through time and became a significant part of India culture.
Before Misty Chakraborty performed her part, a video consisting of AWS middle school students practising yoga was displayed.
Almost an hour long session, was a learning experience for all who joined through Adamas World School Youtube Channel or Facebook Page and who were present in the auditorium.